Scales of Life, Solo Show
Galerie Kuchling,
Berlin – Allemagne
30th August – 19th October 2018
Galerie Kuchling
Karl-Marx-Allee 123
10243 Berlin. Germany
« However, Yamou‘s works should not just be seen as mere expressions of his fascination for biology and all related elements and processes, which becomes particularly obvious in paintings such as Les sensibles (2015), Hésitations (2014) or the aforementioned La visite. Their titles virtually invite the observer to approach the depicted subjects from a metaphoric level: The shy pink in The Sensitive, the graceful play of forms and colors in Visit or the inert convergence of forms in soft shades of pink, purple and gray in Hesitations – all of them suggest that many of Yamou‘s works do not only imply the step from micro- to macro-level, but also to meta-level. The artist about his work: “In my work the obvious formal reference to biology or to botany is the sign of a constant will to probe the living and to paint the energy necessary for the creation of life itself. The world of plants – an endless source of new forms — is a fertile metaphor of our human interactions and aspirations. »
Extract from Yamou, « Scales of Life » by Claudia Heidebluth